
Ninja! – Conclusion

Firstly, I want to acknowledge that David Walters, the sole credited author of this book, has followed this blog for some time, and his comments and feedback have been much appreciated. But… Actually, there’s no but at all – I thought this gamebook worked beautifully, and had pretty much the desired degree of difficulty. To… Continue reading Ninja! – Conclusion


Ninja! – Attempt 6, Part 1

Attempt 6?!?  You’ve gotta be kidding me. Arrow Cutting,  Climbing and Poison Needles, for the curious. After thinking about it for about two seconds, I take the path of least resistance, and again follow Chigeru to Nara. You were just waiting for the bullet points, weren’t you? Happy to oblige! Chigeru and I confront the… Continue reading Ninja! – Attempt 6, Part 1


Ninja! – Attempt 4, Part 1

I type the above words ‘Attempt 4’ with extreme trepidation.  After all, I’m still a guy who wakes up in a cold sweat, muttering the words ‘Horned Cyclops’ over and over through chattering teeth. In any event, I think that only one stupid choice really kept me from progressing last time, so I take the metaphorical bit… Continue reading Ninja! – Attempt 4, Part 1